Track Your Order
Domestic Orders (Delivery within India)
We have partnered with ShipRocket to provide you the fastest and safest delivery within India. ShipRocket provides delivery across 22+ states and UTs.
Tracking Your Order
You can Track your shipment using the link provided in the order shipment email as well as the link above.
To Track the status of your Delivery, Click Here
International Orders
We have partnered with DHL eCommerce to deliver our products Internationally to more than 220 countries worldwide! DHL provides fast and economical delivery with its secure and reliable delivery system.
Tracking Your Order
DHL eCommerce provides state-of-the-art delivery tracking on its tracking site. You can start tracking your order as soon as you receive the shipment email, by entering details of your Airway Bill (AWB).
To Track the status of your Delivery, Click Here
Safe and Secure Order Delivery
You can rest assured that your order will be delivered to you safely. We take great care to ensure appropriate packing for each product, and use re-usable, environmental packing wherever possible. In case you have any issues with your order after receiving it, please contact our Online Support Team.